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Retrieval of driving license points
Verified 21 November 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
6 points instead of 12. To get 12 points, you have to drive for a certain period of time without committing an offense that results in a loss of points.
Act prohibited by law and punishable by criminal sanction
Amount to be paid within a specified period following certain traffic offenses and without going through a court. The amount may be reduced or increased depending on the date of payment.
Writing enabling the creditor to obtain the compulsory recovery of his claim
Compensation or reparation measure proposed by the public prosecutor to a person who admits to having committed one or more offenses or one or more contraventions, in order to avoid a trial
Act prohibited by law and punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment of less than 10 years
Telephone at the wheel, not wearing the seat belt, driving on an emergency stop strip, not respecting the safety distances, overlapping or crossing a continuous line, not respecting the maximum authorized speeds, not respecting the stop at the red light or stop...
Exceeding the maximum authorized speed by 50 km/h or more, holding a radar detector...
Door opening by any occupant of a stationary or parked vehicle when this operation constitutes a danger to himself or to other users, etc.
Inconvenient parking, not respecting signposts imposing a direction...
Interfere with the normal operation of other vehicles by driving at an abnormally low speed without good reason, a vehicle not equipped with the lighting or signaling devices provided for by the regulations...
Loss of all points of the license, which leads to the end of the right to drive
Act prohibited by law and punishable by a penalty
How to recover lost points from the driving license? How soon? We tell you the rules to know for a 12-point standard permit and for oneprobationary permit 6-point.
What applies to you ?
Normal license
Point recovery is automatic after a certain time or by participating in a road safety awareness course.
The more serious the offense, the longer it takes to recover your driver's license points.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
6 months
If you lose 1 single point, you get it back after 6 months.
You must not commit a new act infringement at the highway code during this period of 6 months.
Points are removed when the offense is established.
Time to recover points is running out from the date on which the infringement is established.
The offense is established by:
- the payment of the last flat-rate fine,
- or the issue of the enforceable title of a flat-rate fine increased,
- or the execution of a penal composition,
- or by a final conviction.
2 years
You get your 12 points after 2 years if the following conditions are met:
- Your folder does not contain offenses serious offenses (offense of 4th class and 5th class)
- You do not commit a new offense within this two-year period.
The two-year period runs from the last offense committed.
Points are removed when the offense is established.
Time to recover points is running out from the date on which the infringement is established.
The offense is established by:
- the payment of the last flat-rate fine,
- or the issue of the enforceable title of a flat-rate fine increased,
- or the execution of a penal composition,
- or by a final conviction.
3 years
You get your 12 points after 3 years if the following conditions are met:
- Your folder contains a offense or a serious infringement (infringement of 4th class and 5th class)
- You do not commit a new offense within this 3-year period.
The three-year period shall run from the last infringement committed.
Points are removed when the offense is established.
Time to recover points is running out from the date on which the infringement is established.
The offense is established by:
- the payment of the last flat-rate fine,
- or the issue of the enforceable title of a flat-rate fine increased,
- or the execution of a penal composition,
- or by a final conviction.
10 years
You're recovering your lost points after 10 years if you are unable to recover them because you commit a new offense each time within the time allowed.
However, the 3 conditions the following must be completed:
- Points withdrawn must relate to contraventions of 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th classes
- You must not have reached a zero balance (zero points)
- You must not have returned to 12 points (no total reconstitution since this offense)
Points are removed when the offense is established.
Time to recover points is running out from the date on which the infringement is established.
The offense is established by:
- the payment of the last flat-rate fine,
- or the issue of the enforceable title of a flat-rate fine increased,
- or the execution of a penal composition,
- or by a final conviction.
Example :
You have your 12 points. You're committing a fourth-class ticket. You lose 4 points. You pay the fine on January 2, 2020.
You should get your 12 points back within 3 years, on January 2, 2023.
However, in the meantime, you are committing a fine of 2e class. You lose 3 points. You pay the fine on January 20, 2021.
You will get your 12 points back within 3 years, i.e. January 20, 2024 provided that no new offense is committed within that period.
Example :
You have your 12 points. You have a contravention resulting in the withdrawal of 1 point. You pay the fine on January 2, 2021.
You should recover this point after 6 months, i.e. July 2, 2021.
However, in the meantime, you are committing a fine of 4e class. You lose 2 additional points by paying the fine on March 10, 2021.
Your point balance is 9 out of 12 points.
You will no longer get the 1-point refund scheduled for July 2, 2021.
You will get your 12 points back within 3 years, i.e. March 10, 2024 provided that no new offense is committed within that period.
Please note
point recovery is not possible if your license is invalidated by an administrative decision or set aside by a judicial decision.
Infographie - How long will it take to get your points back?
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The more serious the offense, the longer it takes to recover the points, especially if you commit a new offense during the recovery period.
1/If you commit an offense and you lose only 1 point, you recover it after 6 months.
Example: speeding less than 20 km/h.
Condition: do not commit a new offense during this 6-month period.
The recovery period starts from the final date of the infringement
2/If you commit a relatively serious offense (2nd or 3rd class), you get your points back after 2 years.
Example: Change of direction without turn signal
Conditions: not to commit a new infringement during this 2-year period and not to have already points to recover following a serious infringement.
The recovery period shall start from the final date of the last infringement committed.
3/If you commit a serious offense (4th or 5th class or misdemeanor), you get your points back after 3 years.
Example: stoppage at a red light not respected
Conditions: not to commit a new offense during this period of 3 years.
The recovery period shall start from the final date of the last infringement committed.
The final date of the infringement shall be the date on which the infringement is established. The offense shall be established by payment of the fine, a final judicial decision, the issue of the flat-rate fine plus a fine, or the execution of a penal composition.
The withdrawal of all points (zero balance) results in a driving ban.
You must undergo a medical check before you can reissue the license (code or code + conduct if you have the license for less than 3 years).
Did you know that?
- You can recover up to 4 points per year within the limit of 12 points of the permit by doing a road safety awareness course. The only condition is that your license must not be invalidated (balance at zero).
- An automatic reallocation of points is foreseen after 10 years, subject to conditions.
You can earn points by following a road safety awareness course.
Your permit must be valid (you must have 1 point or more).
The course allows you to recover up to 4 points within 12 points maximum of the permit.
The internship lasts 2 days.
You can do a maximum internship per year.
The internship is paying. The price, set freely by the traineeship organization, is on average €200.
You are informed by mail of reclaimed points (it may take several weeks for the mail to be sent).
In practice, points are added on your license when the administration registers your certificate of internship. It's the Cert: titleContent the driver's license you depend on, who handles it.
The online service My Points Allowed allows you to view the number of points that you have on your driving license.
Driving license: check points and statements
You also receive a letter (letter 48).
This letter indicates the number of points removed and the number of points remaining on your license (balance).
Please note
the letter is sent carte grise at the address given on the radar-flashed vehicle. If you moved without carte grise change address on theHowever, you cannot challenge the removal of points on the grounds of lack of information.
See the simulator to find out how many points are deducted according to the offense road haulage operator:
You can make a claim if you're not don't agree with your points balance.
To find out how to make a claim, use the online service "Filing a complaint online":
Apply online for a driving license
You can also consult the letter informing you of the withdrawal of points to find out how to appeal.
You can make a administrative appeal to the prefect and/or the ministry of the interior and a contentious appeal before the administrative court.
Proof Permit
The probationary permit concerns you if you have obtained a driving license for 1re time or as a result of invalidation or judicial annulment.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You lost 1 point
If you lose 1 single point during the probationary period, you get it back after 6 months.
You must not commit a new act infringement at the highway code during this period of 6 months.
Otherwise, you lose that point.
Points are removed when the offense is established.
Time to recover points is running out from the date on which the infringement is established.
The offense is established by:
- the payment of the last flat-rate fine,
- or the issue of the enforceable title of a flat-rate fine increased,
- or the execution of a penal composition,
- or by a final conviction.
You lost 2 points
You can choose to voluntarily follow a road safety awareness course.
The course allows you to recover up to 4 points within the maximum points of your probationary permit.
The internship lasts 2 days.
You can do a maximum internship per year.
The internship is paying. The price, set freely by the traineeship organization, is on average €200.
You are notified by mail of the points you have collected (it may take several weeks to send the mail).
In practice, points are added on your license when the administration registers your certificate of internship. It's the Cert: titleContent the driver's license you depend on, who handles it.
You lost 3 points
You must obligatory follow a road safety awareness course to get your points back.
The course allows you to recover up to 4 points within the maximum points of your probationary permit.
The internship lasts 2 days. You can do a maximum internship per year.
The internship is paying. The price, set freely by the traineeship organization, is on average €200.
You are notified by mail of the points you have collected (it may take several weeks to send the mail).
In practice, points are added on your license when the administration registers your certificate of internship. It's the Cert: titleContent the driver's license you depend on, who handles it.
You've lost six points
If you lose 6 points during the 1re probationary year, you cannot not get them back.
Your license loses validity.
You can't drive anymore for 6 months, or follow by road safety awareness course.
You must to retake the tests of the permit : general theoretical test (code) and practical test (driving).
You can show up for the tests without waiting for the end of the driving prohibition period.
if you commit a infringement road during the probationary period, the annual increase in points shall be interrupted.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
1 or 2 point indent
You can check the balance of points online via My Points Allowed.
Driving license: check points and statements
You are informed by single letter(letter 48).
This letter indicates the number of points removed and the number of points remaining on your license (balance).
3-point or + indent
You can check the balance of points online via My Points Allowed.
Driving license: check points and statements
You are informed by registered letter with AR: titleContent (letter 48N).
The letter informs you of the dot indentation and the obligation to follow a road safety awareness course.
You must wait until you receive the letter 48N to register for the internship.
Such training shall enable the fine to be refunded if necessary.
You must take this course in the 4 months upon receipt of the letter.
If you refuse, you risk a fine of €135 and a suspension of the license for 3 years.
Please note
the letter is sent carte grise at the address given on the radar-flashed vehicle. If you moved without carte grise change address on theHowever, you cannot challenge the removal of points on the grounds of lack of information.
See the simulator to find out how many points are deducted according to the offense road haulage operator:
You can make a claim if you're not don't agree with your points balance.
To find out how to make a claim, use the "Make a claim online" online service:
Apply online for a driving license
You can also consult the letter informing you of the withdrawal of points to find out how to appeal.
You can make a administrative appeal to the prefect and/or the ministry of the interior and a contentious appeal before the administrative court.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
National Agency for Secure Titles (ANTS) - Driving license
By E-mail
Access to contact form
By telephone
Monday to Friday from 7:45 am to 7 pm and Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm. Cost of a local call
09 70 83 07 07 from the Overseas foreigner
Telephone administrative information - Allo Public Service
For more information on this topic, you can contact Allô Service Public.
Cost: free service
The informants who answer you belong to the Ministry of the Interior.
Attention: the service does not have access to users' personal files and cannot therefore provide information on their status.
The service is available at the following times:
- Monday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
- Tuesday: 8:30 to 12:15
- Wednesday: 8:30 to 12:15
- Thursday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
- Friday: 1 p.m. to 4:15 p.m
- Lundi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Mardi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Mercredi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Jeudi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Vendredi : de 13h00 à 16h15
Rules on the point license
Point Removal Procedure
Administrative detention and suspension after a finding of an infringement
Rules for the equipment of vehicle users
Rules for intersections and crossing priority
Online service
Online service
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of Transport