Rent amount of a privately owned dwelling
Verified 01 August 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The rent of a rented dwelling with a dwelling lease is freely fixed by the owner. However, in the municipalities located in a stretched area, rent control applies. In these municipalities, the rent must not exceed a maximum amount at the time of reinstatement and at the time of renewal of the lease.
To find out if your municipality is in a tense area:
Whether a dwelling is located in a tense area (notice from the tenant and rent control)
Paris, Lille, Hellemmes and Lomme, Lyon and Villeurbanne, Montpellier, Bordeaux and the municipalities of Common plain and d'Est Ensemble apply even stricter rules.
Stretched area
Some dwellings are not covered by the rent control, as they are subject to other rules: housing 1948 law, accommodation contracted by the Anah (excluding intermediate rent agreements), accommodation LOW-COST HOUSING, furnished tourist, subleasing.
When the dwelling is rented for 1re time, the landlord freely sets the rent.
The owner can review rent once a year, if a clause in the lease so provides.
- In the metropolis, when the lease is signed, renewed or tacitly renewed since august 24, 2022, and it concerns a dwelling classified as F or G (classification indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to revise its rent.
- In Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Reunion and Mayotte, when the lease is signed, renewed or tacitly renewed since 1er july 2024, and it concerns a dwelling classified as F or G (classification indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to revise its rent.
Where the rent is understated in relation to the market price, the landlord may increase the amount of rent at the renewal of the lease, under certain conditions. It must do so in accordance with certain rules.
A mobility lease cannot be renewed.
The amount of rent applied to the last tenant must be shown in the lease.
The landlord can only increase the rent in certain cases.
The date of signature of the lease is decisive:
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Lease signed since July 1, 2024
Unrevised rent in last 12 months
If no revision has been made in the last 12 months, the landlord may increase the rent of the annual variation by the IRL published on the date of signature of the new lease.
Where the lease concerns a dwelling classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to review the rent.
Work carried out since the departure of the former tenant
Work for an amount of at least 50% of the last year of rent
The new rent may be increased when the landlord has financed improvement work (excluding energy-saving works which have given rise to an increase in rent for reduction of charges) or work which has been standards of decency
This work must:
- Have been realized since the departure of the last tenant, in the common or private areas
- And be at least 50% of the last year of rent (excluding charges)
If these conditions are met, the annual rent charged with the previous tenant may be increased by 15% of the amount of the work TTC: titleContent.
Where the lease concerns a dwelling classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to increase the rent.
Works for an amount at least equal to the last year of rent
The new rent is set freely when the following 2 conditions are met:
- Of improvement work have been done for less than 6 months
- The amount of this work is at least equal to the last year of rent
Where the lease concerns a dwelling classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to increase the rent.
Old undervalued rent
Where the rent charged to the former tenant is clearly undervalued, the landlord may increase the rent.
It is possible to estimate the undervaluation of a rent from rents usually recorded for comparable dwellings located in the same geographical area.
But the rent increase must not exceed 50% of the difference between the following 2 sums:
- Amount of rent determined by reference to rents in the neighborhood for comparable dwellings
- Last rent applied to previous tenant, if applicable revised on IRL if it has not been done in the last 12 months.
Where the dwelling is classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden increase the obviously undervalued rent.
Lease signed between August 24, 2022 and June 30, 2024
Unrevised rent in last 12 months
If no revision has been made in the last 12 months, the landlord may increase the rent of the annual variation by the IRL published on the date of signature of the new lease.
In the metropolis, where the lease concerns a dwelling classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to review the rent.
Work carried out since the departure of the former tenant
Work for an amount of at least 50% of the last year of rent
The new rent may be increased when the landlord has financed improvement work (excluding energy-saving works which have given rise to an increase in rent for reduction of charges) or work which has been standards of decency
This work must:
- Have been realized since the departure of the last tenant, in the common or private areas
- And be at least 50% of the last year of rent (excluding charges).
If these conditions are met, the annual rent charged with the previous tenant may be increased by 15% of the amount of the work TTC: titleContent.
In the metropolis, where the lease concerns a dwelling classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to review the rent.
Works for an amount at least equal to the last year of rent
The new rent is set freely when the following 2 conditions are met:
- Of improvement work have been done for less than 6 months
- The amount of this work is at least equal to the last year of rent.
In the metropolis, where the lease concerns a dwelling classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to review the rent.
Old undervalued rent
Where the rent charged to the former tenant is clearly undervalued, the landlord may increase the rent.
It is possible to estimate the undervaluation of a rent from rents usually recorded for comparable dwellings located in the same geographical area.
But the rent increase must not exceed 50% of the difference between the following 2 sums:
- Amount of rent determined by reference to rents in the neighborhood for comparable dwellings
- Last rent applied to previous tenant, if applicable revised on IRL if it has not been done in the last 12 months.
In the metropolis, where the lease concerns a dwelling classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to review the rent.
Lease signed before August 24, 2022
Unrevised rent in last 12 months
If no revision has been made in the last 12 months, the landlord may increase the rent by the annual variation of the IRL published on the date of signature of the new lease.
Work carried out since the departure of the former tenant
Work for an amount of at least 50% of the last year of rent
The new rent can be increased when the following 2 conditions are met:
- The owner has financed improvement work (excluding energy-saving works which have given rise to an increase in rent for reduction of charges) or work which has been standards of decency
- When the dwelling is located in metropolitan France, its primary energy consumption is less than 331 kWh per m2 and per year. An energy performance diagnosis less than 4 years old must attest to this.
This work must:
- have been built since the departure of the last tenant, in the common or private areas
- be at least 50% of the last year of rent (excluding charges)
If these conditions are met, the annual rent charged with the previous tenant may be increased by 15% of the amount of the work TTC: titleContent.
Works for an amount at least equal to the last year of rent
The new rent is set freely when the following 3 conditions are met:
- Of improvement work have been done for less than 6 months
- The amount of this work is at least equal to the last year of rent
- When the dwelling is located in metropolitan France, its primary energy consumption is less than 331 kWh per m2 and per year. An energy performance diagnosis less than 4 years old must attest to this.
Old undervalued rent
It is possible to increase the rent applied to the former tenant when the following 2 conditions are met:
- That rent is undervalued. It is possible to estimate the undervaluation of a rent from rents usually recorded for comparable dwellings located in the same geographical area.
- When the dwelling is located in metropolitan France, its primary energy consumption is less than 331 kWh per m2 and per year. An energy performance diagnosis less than 4 years old must attest to this.
When these two conditions are met, the rent can be increased. But the rent increase must not exceed 50% of the difference between the following 2 sums:
- Amount of rent determined by reference to rents in the neighborhood for comparable dwellings
- Last rent applied to previous tenant, if applicable revised on IRL if not done in the last 12 months
The rule to apply depends on the date the lease was signed:
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Lease signed since July 1, 2024
The landlord freely determines the amount of rent of a dwelling classified A, B, C, D or E (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent).
But the rent of a housing classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent) should not not be higher than the last rent applied to the previous tenant.
Lease signed between August 24, 2022 and June 30, 2024
In metropolitan France, the owner freely sets the rent of a dwelling classified A, B, C, D or E (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent). But the rent of a housing classified F or G (class indicated on the DPE: titleContent) must not exceed the last rent applied to the previous tenant.
In Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Reunion and Mayotte, the landlord freely sets the rent, regardless of the class of the accommodation.
Lease signed before August 24, 2022
The landlord freely sets the rent.
Other Area
The landlord is free to set the amount of rent he wishes to apply, whether it is an empty or furnished dwelling.
The owner can to revise the rent 1 time per year provided this is provided for in the lease.
- In the metropolis, when the lease is signed, renewed or tacitly renewed since august 24, 2022, and it concerns a dwelling classified as F or G (classification indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to revise its rent.
- In Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Reunion and Mayotte, when the lease is signed, renewed or tacitly renewed since 1er july 2024, and it concerns a dwelling classified as F or G (classification indicated on the DPE: titleContent), it is forbidden to revise its rent.
Where the rent is understated in relation to the market price, the landlord may increase the amount of rent at the renewal of the lease, under certain conditions. It must do so in accordance with certain rules.
A mobility lease cannot be renewed.
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For more information on this topic, you can contact Allô Service Public.
Cost: free service
The informants who answer you belong to the ministry in charge of housing and city planning.
Attention: the service does not have access to users' personal files and cannot therefore provide information on their status.
The service is available at the following times:
- Lundi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Mardi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Mercredi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Jeudi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Vendredi : de 13h00 à 16h15
- Departmental Agency for Housing Information (Adil)
Rent review and increase
Unoccupied housing for less than 18 months
Rent dispute: Article 18(3)
List of municipalities affected by the rent guidelines (1st table in the annex)
Ministry of the Environment